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Let's make delicious Japanese Okonomiyaki!

by 홍참새 2023. 7. 14.


Let's make delicious Japanese Okonomiyaki!


Here's a description of how to make Japanese Okonomiyaki

Ah, Okonomiyaki—the savory and delectable Japanese pancake that satisfies cravings and brings people together. Get ready to embark on a culinary adventure as we delve into the art of making this delightful dish. Let's gather our ingredients and prepare to create a mouthwatering Okonomiyaki that will impress your taste buds!


First, let's assemble the ingredients. You'll need


2 cups of shredded cabbage: Finely chop the cabbage or use a grater to achieve thin shreds. This forms the foundation of our Okonomiyaki.


1 cup of all-purpose flour: This acts as the binding agent for our pancake.


3/4 cup of dashi stock: Dashi is a traditional Japanese stock made from bonito flakes and kombu seaweed. You can find instant dashi powder at Asian grocery stores or prepare it from scratch.


2 large eggs: These provide richness and contribute to the pancake's fluffy texture.


4 ounces of sliced pork belly or bacon: These savory slices add a delicious touch to our Okonomiyaki. Feel free to substitute with other proteins or skip it for a vegetarian version.


1/4 cup of chopped green onions: These fragrant onions impart a fresh and vibrant flavor to our pancake.


1/4 cup of tenkasu (tempura crumbs): These crispy bits add a delightful crunch to the Okonomiyaki. You can find tenkasu in Asian markets, or you can make your own by deep-frying small pieces of tempura batter until golden brown.


Okonomiyaki sauce: This tangy and savory sauce is a must-have for authentic flavor. You can find it in Asian grocery stores or make your own by combining Worcestershire sauce, ketchup, soy sauce, and sugar.


Japanese mayonnaise: The creamy and slightly sweet Japanese mayo adds a luscious finishing touch to the Okonomiyaki.


Aonori (dried seaweed flakes): These vibrant green flakes provide a hint of umami and visual appeal. They're available in Japanese or Asian stores.


Now that we have our ingredients ready, it's time to start cooking


1. In a large bowl, combine the shredded cabbage, all-purpose flour, dashi stock, and eggs. Mix until well combined, ensuring the cabbage is evenly coated with the batter.


2. Heat a non-stick pan or griddle over medium heat. Add a drizzle of vegetable oil to prevent sticking.


3. Scoop a generous amount of the cabbage batter onto the pan, shaping it into a round pancake, about 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick.


4. Lay a few slices of pork belly or bacon on top of the pancake, gently pressing them into the batter.


5. Cook the Okonomiyaki for about 4-5 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and crispy. Use a spatula to carefully flip it.


6. Once both sides are cooked and the pork is crispy, transfer the Okonomiyaki to a serving plate.


7. Now comes the fun part—topping our pancake! Drizzle a generous amount of Okonomiyaki sauce over the surface in a zigzag pattern. Then, add squiggles of Japanese mayonnaise.


8. Sprinkle the chopped green onions and tenkasu over the top, followed by a sprinkle of aonori.


9. Serve the Okonomiyaki immediately, slicing it into wedges for easy sharing. Enjoy the harmony of flavors and textures as you savor each bite!


There you have it—a tantalizing Okonomiyaki experience crafted with love and attention to detail. Whether you're enjoying it as a comforting meal or sharing it with friends, this Japanese pancake is sure to delight. So gather your loved ones, embark on this culinary journey, and indulge in the wonders of Okonomiyaki!